Sunday, January 25, 2009

I was hoping that when the clock struck midnight on new years eve, everything would change. I hoped that when I finally dragged my tired lazy rear out of bed everything would be okay again, but unfortunately New years is just another night, and some people never change.
I've been beaten down, humiliated and stepped on.
I've been yelled at, betrayed and let down.
People that i have loved dearly have turned their backs when i needed them most, which breaks my heart. Friends seem to have always been there until you need them. And when i needed them most, they couldn't drag themselves away from their own problems to help with mine.
I've found that i have five people on which i can fully depend on. Five, i thought i had so much more.
Before you judge me and say that
i am just another girl with her head shoved up her boyfriends butt, take a step back and ask yourself if you've been there for me thru all this? Have any one of you dropped anything to help me out?