Wednesday, December 3, 2008

10, 9, 8, 7...

Without saying names...
Ten apologies to ten different people:
1. I'm sorry I didnt fight for you.I should've protected you
2.I'm sorry that I just don't care
3.i'm sorry that i can't be everything you deserve
4.i'm sorry i led you on
5.i'm sorry i dont believe as strongly as you do
6.i'm sorry i that i trusted you not to tell
7. i'm sorry for leaving you alone. i just couldnt stand it anymore
8.i'm sorry i get grouchy when i hurt
9. i'm sorry i am not as crazy as i used to. I guess i grew up
10. I'm sorry i didn't answer my phone

Nine confessions to nine different people:
1.I pretend like i care when you talk about him, i'd like nothing more than to tell you to remove your head from his a$$.
2.I understood how to do the work, i just wanted help!
3.I'm planning on marrying you :) so plan accordingly
4.Your car is my favorite place in the world, even tho it is a station wagon :)
5. I think sometimes you get a little over dramatic.
6. I hate when you work shift work, i hardly ever see you and it sucks.
7. I checked your messages when you weren't looking. You gave me good reason to.
8. I ate the last banana popsicle and blamed it on your kid.
9. Mom was right!

Eight things you wish you could say to eight different people:
1. F*ck you!
2. Thank you, you are the only one who was always there.
3. You are amazing and i absolutely love you to death
4. I envy you for being so calm when every thing is falling apart.
5. Who the hell do u think you are to tell me what i'd do in that situation?
6. Get your head out of your ass
7. You're kid is a brat!!!!
8. You are beautiful, quit spending all that time in the mirror messing up perfection

Seven random people you miss:i thought you said no names?
1. A.F.H
3. The older, happier you!
4. N.R.D
5. R.M.E
6. J.D.E
7. T.B.C

Six different people you would do anything for:
1. Tory James
2. Meine Mutti :)
3. Meine Schwester
4. Meinen Vati
5. Nicole
6. Emma Grace

Five things you hope to accomplish before you die:
1.Get married
2.Have lots of babies :)
3.Eat ice cream on every continent
4.Buy a house
5.Rocking chairs on a porch, 'nuff said

Four words to describe your life:

Three things you wish you could hold on to forever:
1.Girl nights
2. Rides to youth group in the beast!
3. His hand :)

Two most important things in your life:
1. My girls
2.My boy :)

One thing you know you want but will never have:
perfect imperfection :D

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