Sunday, November 23, 2008

16 Things..

So... It's time to play sixteen things. A list of sixteen (obviously), random, or obscure things about myself...

1) Screamo makes me happy. :)
2) I didn't think the movie Edward was as sexy as the book Edward. ;) (edward from twilight)
3) I very well may possibly be a bit of a pyro... (yay fire!)
4) I miss dance class no matter how hellish it could be!
5) Youth group with the girls not only saved my life but also my sanity.
6) There is nothing better than cruising in the van blasting boy bashing music just because none of us are quite ready to go home yet.
7) My best friend is my mom, sounds dorky but she's always there.
8) I would drop everything including my future job to start a family. But I'm too paranoid to get married young.
9) I would rather watch a disney cartoon over a "R" rated movie any day.
10) It annoys the crap out of me when girls say "I lovers you" or "I looooove yoooou soooooooooooo much" I guess multiple "o's" annoy me.
11) Baby talk drives me nuts unless it's directed toward a baby.
12) Going to school and leaving my cousin Emma was quite literally like leaving your own child at home and leaving for a long time.
13) I refuse to get old. But i'm totally okay with growing up.
14) I hardly ever find comedian's funny. People are always tons funnier when they're not trying.
15) Christmas makes me happy, no matter what.
16) And now for number 16, I am a book nerd. There i said it! Haha.


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