Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Catharsis Revised

10 Apologies to Ten different People

1.I’m sorry I wasted so much time on you.
2.I’m sorry that I’m not everything you deserve. I’m sorry that I sometimes doubt your commitment to me.
3.I’m sorry that I’m not telling you everything.
4.I’m sorry that you are such a waste of life.
5.I’m sorry that I got you mixed up in this whole mess. I put you in a tough position.
6.I’m sorry for leaving you, I just couldn’t stand knowing.
7.I’m sorry I didn’t pick up my phone; I should have been there for you.
8.I’m sorry that I called you a friend.
9.I’m sorry that I don’t believe as strong as you. It’s hard when life smacks you in the face.
10.I’m sorry for putting you all thru hell.

9 Confessions to nine different people

1.I keep making the same mistake over and over. I can’t bring myself to tell you though.
2.You call me selfish, but you are the most selfish person I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.
3.I still don’t believe you. I keep waiting for you to walk out of the door.
4.I still look at you differently.
5.I plan on moving out as soon as I can. Sorry.
6.There is still a part of me that misses your friendship.
7.Yes, I do actually know what happened when we weren’t talking. And it was your own fault.
8.Sometimes I still think I made a big deal out of nothing. But you deserve everything you got.
9.You for whatever reason need the spotlight on you 24/7. It’s really annoying by the way.

8 Things you would like to say to eight people.

1.You make me sick.
2.Please, please, just look and ask?
3.Both of you are not worth my time.
4.I envy you for staying so calm when everything is falling apart.
5.Please don’t break his heart.
6.How many people does he have to screw over until you get the message?
7.You mean more to me than you can ever imagine. Your car is my favorite place in the world, even if it is a grocery getter.
8.Be careful. Please.

7 Things that make you happy.

3.Acoustic music
5.New crayons
6.Emma Grace
7.Night drives

6 People you would do anything for.

1.Tory <3
2.Emma Grace
3.Cousin Jim
4.Leah Brooke
6.Pretty much

5 Things you would like to achieve before you die.

1.Perfect little house with white picket fence and the whole works.
2.Lots of babies 
3.Meet Ben Folds.
4.Be able to successfully walk in high heels.
5.A full, pain free day.

4 Words to describe your life.

3 Things you would like to hold on to forever.

1.His hand.

2 Most important things in your life.


1 Thing you want but will probably never get
1.Pure unadulterated joy.

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